Tag: Ban

Kabul professor tears up diplomas on live TV to protest Taliban ban on women’s education

A Kabul professor tore up his diplomas live on television in Afghanistan in protest over the Taliban’s barring of women from higher education. The [...]

South Africa agency bans preaching in new trains

South Africa's passenger rail agency (Prasa) has banned preaching, gambling and informal trading in its new trains, local media outlets report. Th [...]

Kenya bans ‘biopiracy’ export of lucrative baobabs

Kenya has cancelled a licence issued to a foreign company to uproot and export baobab trees from the coastal region amid public outcry. The Georgi [...]

Malta moves to ease EU’s last total ban on abortion

Malta's government is to propose a change in the law to allow doctors to terminate a pregnancy if a mother's life or health is at risk. The small [...]

Algeria bans diesel cars in push towards electric models

Diesel cars can no longer be imported or made in Algeria, and local car manufacturers are now required by law to start producing at least one range o [...]
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